Topic | IT Compliance: The Answer to Data Security and Data Privacy Risks |
Speaker | Debbie Zaller |
When | March 28, 2019 – 6:00PM |
Where | The Mid-America Club 80th Floor of the AON Center RSVP or call 312.861.1100 |

Debbie Zaller is a Partner at Schellman & Company, LLC. With over 19 years of experience, Debbie leads multiple service lines and the Midwest market. Furthermore, she is an AICPA-approved and nationally-listed SOC Specialist as well as a CPA. She is a member of the Mid-America Club Business Committee and the Board of Governors.
We all understand the need for security in the IT world. It’s painful, but necessary. We pursue IT security to protect critical infrastucture and sensitive data assets from malicious attackers and to secure the privacy of our internal and external customers alike.
Security is for us, Compliance is for them…right?
We often see IT compliance at odds with security. If security is about meeting our standards, compliance is about meeting specific regulatory standards set by someone else (such as PCI DSS, SOX or HIPAA). If we do security to counter bad actors, we do compliance to counter auditors. If Target’s 2013 data breach taught us anything, it’s that you can be compliant without being secure.
Join Us and Learn How Compliance Works With Security
Debbie Zaller of Schellman & Company offers a counterpoint: IT compliance is essential to IT security. In an age where more and more companies are outsourcing IT functions, and where almost half of all data breaches result from third-party vulnerabilities, compliance provides a minimum set of standards to build trust with our partners and our customers.
In this discussion, learn why compliance isn’t simply a set of list boxes to check, but an essential cornerstone of a holistic approach to IT security. IT compliance is the stable foundation for the rapid flow and response of security.
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